A eulogy is, by definition, a recognition of the merits or qualities of a person or thing by means of favourable expressions or speeches.
Sangüesa tries to pay tribute to the most important horticultural and gastronomic product in the life, history and economy of the town: the Pocha de Sangüesa.
Every year, at the end of September, a programme of activities is prepared so that locals and visitors can enjoy it with all their senses.
Market of local products, crafts, tasting of beans, wines and twinned products, music and a few surprises...
Are you going to miss it?
Every year the Pocha de Sangüesa is twinned with a product from Navarre or outside it with the aim of creating alliances and learning from other experiences that help to promote local produce and local consumption.
In 2023 the Pocha de Sangüesa had the honour of being twinned with the Asparagus of Navarre, of which several portions could be tasted. We had a visit from its Brotherhood, which we received and awarded in the Plenary Hall.
The proceeds from the tasting (€1/product) went entirely to the Association of Sick Children of the Sangüesa Region (ANECS).
2023: Asparagus from Navarre
2022: Relleno from Navarre
2019: Pirinea Trout from Yesa
2018: Beef from Petilla de Aragón
2017: Josena Infusions from Lumbier
2016: Piquillo Peppers from Lodosa
2015: Chilli from Ibarra
2014: Cascante Oil
2013: Espelette Pepper
2012: Sturgeon from Yesa
The Pocha
Considered a vegetable and highly valued by chefs and diners, it is a seasonal dish that is a must in Navarrese gastronomy from July to October, and even less so in the homes of the people of Sangües.
Pocha beans are a variety of white beans that are eaten fresh and are harvested before they reach maturity, hence their greenish ivory colour.
Although the ‘caparrona’ is the pocha par excellence in Sangüesa, three types are grown in different farms and market gardens in the town: the ‘caparrona’, the ‘rastrojera’ and the ‘medio palo’.
The traditional recipe is made using only vegetables: tomato, garlic, carrot, green pepper, onion, water, oil and salt.
Located in the east of Navarre, on the second branch of the French Way of St. James, it offers heritage, culture, nature, fiestas and, of course, gastronomy.
Here you will find the church of Santa María la Real and its imposing façade, a masterpiece of Spanish Romanesque architecture; the Baroque Vallesantoro Palace, with its spectacular wooden eaves; the palace-castle of the Prince of Viana; or the churches of Santiago and San Salvador; convents; corners... and very close by the Leyre and Peña mountain ranges; the Castle of Javier; the Arbayún and Lumbier gorges...
Are you
a producer or artisan interested in participating?
Date: 29 September 2024
Contact and find out more:
City Council
948 870 005
Culture Area
948 870 251